Organised by::
In partnership with:
Sponsored by:
Sponsor of the Innovation Award
Sponsor of the Best Household & General Products Plant Award
Sponsor of the Best Small Company Award
Sponsor of the Skills Development Award
Sponsor of the Best Process Plant Award
Sponsor of the Energy/Environment Award
Sponsor of the Most Improved Plant Award
Sponsor of the Supply Chain Award
Sponsor of the Health & Safety Award

If you believe you are running a highly competitive manufacturing plant and would like to achieve recognition for the managers and employees who have contributed to that achievement, then entering the BFA will help.

If you would like to find out how your company's performance compares with other companies in your sector, then entering the BFA will help.

If you would to find out how other high performing manufacturers achieve their success, then entering the BFA will help.

All participants receive from Cranfield School of Management a highly valuable, confidential and detailed benchmarking report comparing aspects of their plants' performance with the average for the sector.

This detailed analysis, containing over 80 tables of comparative data would be difficult (and expensive) to obtain elsewhere, and is seen by many manufacturers as the most compelling reason to enter.

Additionally, you might just turn out to be one of the category winners or possibly, winner of the coveted Factory of the Year title.

The awards are open to all types and sizes of manufacturing companies and entry is Free. All entry forms must be completed and returned by 31st March 2009.

Whichever way you look at it, you'll be a winner.

To request an entry form, contact
Maggie Bridge, Awards Co-ordinator, Cranfield School of Management, Bedford, MK43 0AL E: T: 01234 754498 F: 01234 752691